Four reasons why you might need to hire a skip bin

Skip bins are a very common sight outside homes and businesses and are ideal for disposing of large amounts of rubbish. But are you really likely to need one yourself? Here are some times when hiring a skip bin can be invaluable.

Home renovation

Firstly, any large redecoration or rebuilding project in your home is likely to generate a lot of waste. Old furnishings, plaster, carpets, and even knocked-down walls will have to be disposed of somehow. You could always take them to the tip regularly, but this is time-consuming at a time when you are busy anyway, and it uses a lot of fuel. Hiring a skip will take a lot of the stress out of your home improvement project.


Large gardening projects can also produce rubbish that will need removing. Tree stumps, old plants, hedge cuttings and soil may need removing, as well as detritus such as pots, fencing, trelliswork and so on. Some of this can be recycled, but it is easy to find more waste than you have room for. A garden waste skip is an easy way to get rid of this rubbish so you can get on with the work and enjoy your garden.

Moving home

Most people expect to take all their possessions with them when they move house, but when they come to prepare for the move, they discover that they simply don't need many of the things they have accumulated. Much of this may need removing in a hurry just when you are busy with a complicated move, and there may also be large and bulky items. Hiring a skip is the simple way of removing these items.


Finally, a skip is a convenient way of getting rid of items when you are having a clearout or just spring cleaning. A garage, shed or store cupboard can accumulate a huge amount of unwanted or broken items, and clearing it out can free up a large amount of space. Getting rid of the unwanted clutter can make your home a much more pleasant place to live, and hiring a skip can provide you with the motivation to clear out your home as well as a destination for the junk.

Your skip bin hire company will give you somewhere to put the rubbish while you are clearing it out and will take it away afterward - leaving you with one thing less to worry about.

To learn more, contact a skip bin hire company.
